
"If you speak, you can influence; if you can influence, you can change lives ." By American actor Rob Brown 

Did you know that 4 out of 5 individuals experience glossophobia (the fear of public speaking), leading to missed opportunities, low self-esteem, and social isolation? This issue affects people of all ages, including children and teenagers, despite humans being inherently social creatures.

Seize the opportunity to overcome glossophobia from a young age with Pick2Read Gavels Club. This club, modeled after Toastmasters, is designed for kids and teens aged 7 to 17. It provides a platform to master public speaking through engaging club meetups. Members practice speeches, develop impromptu speaking skills, and exchange tips, enhancing their communication abilities for both work and life.

Members are assigned specific roles about two weeks before each meeting, ensuring everyone is prepared and ready to contribute. This collaborative effort keeps the club running smoothly.  Roles rotate regularly to keep the experience fresh and engaging. 

Each member is paired with a mentor—an experienced member who provides guidance, advice, and confidence-building support.

Our Ex-com team ensures the seamless operation of club meetings and activities. Seven individuals are selected at the start of each term to fill these roles:

1. President: Guides the team and oversees meetings.

2. VP Education: Organizes meetings and helps members achieve communication goals, including sending out meeting agendas.

3. VP Membership: Welcomes guests, answers questions, and ensures members are satisfied with their club experience.

4. VP Public Relations: Promotes the club through various media.

5. Secretary: Takes minutes at meetings and maintains club records.

6. Treasurer: Manages financial records.

7. Sergeant At Arms: Sets meeting rules and introduces the president uniquely at each meeting.

What are you waiting for? We meet every alternate Saturday 10:30 to 12:30 at Glinks Oud Mehta. 

Join the Pick2Read Gavels Club today and start your journey towards confident public speaking!


Enquiry Form
