
Frequently Asked Questions

Q: What are the library working hours?
A: Pick2Read is an online platform which is available 24*7. You can access the website anytime and use our services.
Q: Can I take a membership on a holiday or weekend?
A: Yes. You can, as is an online platform which is available 24*7.
Q: How long do I need to wait for a response to my query?
A: All queries will be addressed as early as possible at the most within 48 hours.
Q: Who can become a member?
A: Membership is available to all citizens/ residents of UAE above the age of 18.
Q: What are the different membership plans Pick2Read offers?
A: Please refer to the "Membership Plans" page on our website for complete details.
Q: How do I become a member?
A: A person who is eligible to take membership can do so by completing the registration details and paying the membership fee including the one-time registration fee.
Q: Do I need to submit any documents to become a member?
A: No, you can become a member by registering with a valid email address and contact number.
Q: How do I make the payment for the membership?
A: You can make the payment through our payment gateway using your Credit/ Debit card.
Q: How will I get my login credentials?
A: You can create your own Login ID using your valid email address while registering with us.
Q: Will it be possible to upgrade my membership plan?
A: Yes. A member can upgrade their membership at any point in time and the new membership period will be calculated from the date of upgradation. The amount payable by a member upon upgradation will be calculated as follows: Membership fee for the upgraded category, less the unutilized amount of the old membership, calculated on pro rata basis.
Q: Can I take a membership for my friend or relative?
A: Yes. You can make use of the “Gift a membership” option available on the website. This facility is available for both members and non-members.
Q: Does Pick2Read deal with physical books or e-books?
A: Pick2Read deals with physical books which the members rent, read and return.
Q: Can I borrow a book instead of a games & puzzles or a game/ puzzle instead of a book?
A: No, you can not. You can borrow books or games & puzzles as per your borrowing eligibility only. You can not interchange.
Q: Will I be allowed to borrow books/ toys lesser than what I’m eligible for?
A: Yes. You can.
Q: How do I borrow the books/ games & puzzles?
A: You can borrow books/ games & puzzles of your choice by clicking on "Books Rental/ Games & puzzles Rental" and browse through our collection - choose a category/ sub-category, select the books/ games & puzzles and click on the "Order now" button to add them to the cart. You can add as many books or games & puzzles as per your eligibility and confirm your order.
Q: How will I receive the items ordered?
A: If you have chosen the Delivery option: Books/ games & puzzles ordered will be physically delivered to you on the delivery date shown in the system. If you have chosen the Click & collect option: You have to come to the selected Click & collect location on the date shown in the system to collect the books/ games & puzzles.
Q: When will I receive the items ordered?
A: Books/ games & puzzles ordered will be ready for click & collect/delivered on the system specified date.
Q: How may days can I keep the borrowed books/ games & puzzles?
A: The borrowed book or games & puzzles should be virtually returned on or before the due date (which is 26 days from the date of borrowing) specified in the system.
Q: Can I virtually return the books and specify a date on which the books are to be delivered?
A: Not possible in the system. Kindly intimate us through an email/ call. We will check the feasibility and confirm.
Q: What happens if I am not able to pick up the ordered books/ games & puzzles in the specified time?
A: If you will not be able to pick the books/ games & puzzles on the specified date and if you intimate the library 24 hours in advance, pick up can be rescheduled to the next available pickup date. If we are not given 24 hours notice and the books/ games & puzzles are not picked up on the specified date, we will put them back into circulation.
Q: Is it possible to reserve a book that is not currently available for borrowing?
A: Yes, you can add it to your "Wishlist". Each member can add one book to their "Wishlist".
Q: What is wishlist?
A: If a member wishes to reserve a book which is "In circulation", he/she can add it to their "Wishlist". This means that they have placed a request for that particular book, and will get the preference when it is returned by the previous member.
Q: How will I know when a book added under “Wishlist”, is available for me to order?
A: You will be notified by an email.
Q: What are the days on which delivery facility is available?
A: Deliveries will be made on Saturday/ Tuesday/ Thursday between 10AM - 8PM
Q: How many deliveries am I eligible for?
A: The number of deliveries is based on the delivery package purchased. Note: Every visit to your doorstep by our delivery person will be counted as one delivery.
Q: What happens if I have utilized all the deliveries?
A: You can buy additional deliveries by using “Purchase Door Delivery” option available under the "Delivery log" option in your profile.
Q: How will the books/ games & puzzles be delivered?
A: They will be delivered in a closed bag.
Q: When will the ordered books/ games & puzzles be delivered to me?
A: Books/ Games & puzzles ordered will be delivered on the system specified date
Q: What if I’m not available at the delivery time specified?
A: Scenario 1: If the member gives a minimum of 24 hours notice of non-availability on the delivery date specified in the system, it will be rescheduled to the next immediate delivery date. In case the member has books/ games & puzzles to be returned, it will be considered as overdue till the library physically receives the same. Scenario 2: If the member gives less than 24 hours notice of non-availability on the delivery date, it will be counted as a delivery made. The delivery will be rescheduled to the next immediate delivery date. In case of non-availability of the member on the rescheduled date, the order will be cancelled. Books/ games & puzzles not physically returned will be considered as overdue until they are received by the library.
Q: What do I do if I'm going out of station and have books/ games & puzzles to be returned with me?
A: Please contact the library on any of the given mobile numbers to discuss on the possible course of action. However, books/ games & puzzles not physically returned will be considered as overdue until the library receives them.
Q: If I want to come to your physical location to pick up/ drop the items, am I allowed to do so?
A: Yes. Click & collect facility is available from the specified locations. Please check the timings shown for the respective location while placing the order. For any queries or clarifications, please feel free to contact the Pick2Read Team. Books/ games & puzzles ordered will be available for collection on the system specified date.
Q: What happens if I have unused deliveries at the end of my membership term and I want to renew my plan? Will it be carried forward?
A: No. It is not possible to carry forward any unused deliveries from the current plan to the renewed/ upgraded plan.
Q: What is Virtual return and why is it necessary?
A: Virtual return is a process by which the members can return the books/ games & puzzles online. It is an intimation to the library that the member is ready to return the books/ games & puzzles borrowed. This enables the library to arrange for physical collection of books/ games & puzzles: doorstep delivery/ click & collect.
Q: When should I return the books?
A: Members are required to virtually return books/ games & puzzles on or before the due date online. Books/ games & puzzles virtually returned will be collected by the library from member's doorstep/ the member will return it at the click & collect location on the system specified date. This completes the return process.
Q: Can the books be returned before the due date?
A: Yes. The books can be returned virtually anytime on or before the due date.
Q: Does virtual return mean that the return process is complete?
A: No. The return process will be complete only after the library has physically received the books/ games & puzzles virtually returned by the members.
Q: When will the books/ games & puzzles returned virtually be collected by the library?
A: The books/ games & puzzles will be collected physically from your doorstep within D+3 days of virtual return if you have opted for doorstep delivery. If you have chosen "Click & collect" option, the books/ games & puzzles have to be dropped at the selected location.
Q: How do I return the books physically?
A: Once the books are virtually returned, the books get added to the cart. The members need to intimate the library of their preferred choice , which can be either doorstep delivery or drop off at the click & collect location. Based on their choice, books will either be collected from the member's doorstep or from the click & collect location on the system specified date.
Q: What happens if I do not return the books on time?
A: Below are considered as delay in return of books: i) Books not virtually returned on or before the due date ii) Books virtually returned on time, but not physically returned on the system specified date. Fine will be levied for the numbers of days the books have been overdue as per the below rates: a. Premium/ Reference books – AED 2 per book for every day of delay b. Other books – AED 1 per book per day of delay c. Games & puzzles – AED 2 per day of delay
Q: Can I return a book on Friday/ weekend or a public holiday?
A: Books/ games & puzzles can be virtually returned 24*7 as it is an online process. Books/ games & puzzles must be returned on or before the system specified date.
Q: When will I get reward points?
A: Members will be awarded reward points for A) Gift a membership; B) Every successful referral; C) For donating books/ toys.
Q: When I refer a member, what should I do to receive the reward points?
A: When your referral takes the membership, he/she should mention your referral code in the registration form, for you to get the corresponding reward points. Please note that your referral code is available in your "My Profile" page.
Q: How many points will I get for donating books?
A: When a member donates books/ games & puzzles, the number of points awarded will be decided by the librarian on case-to-case basis.
Q: What is the value of 1 Reward point?
A: The value of 1 reward point = AED 1.
Q: When and where can I use the reward points earned?
A: The reward points earned by the member can be used against membership renewal fee, buying deliveries and for payment of fine amounts.
Q: What are the circumstances under which I will be liable to pay fines to the library?
A: Members are liable to pay fines for any delayed, lost, or damaged items.
Q: What if I have items that are overdue?
A: Late fee is applicable. A). Premium/ Reference books – AED 2 per book per day of delay; B). Other books – AED 1 per book per day of delay; C) Games & puzzles – AED 2 per games & puzzles per day of delay.
Q: What happens if I have an overdue of items to be returned for more than a week?
A: You will be charged late fee till the items are physically returned. For late fee charges please refer to the previous question. If the items are overdue for more than 28 days, as specified in the terms & conditions member will be blocked. The member's account will be unblocked upon the return of items/ payment of dues.
Q: What happens if I lose an item?
A: For Lost items the member will have to pay fines to the library. The charges applicable are : A) Premium books - 70% of the price of the new item ; B) Other items - 50% of the price of the new item.
Q: What happens if the items returned virtually are lost?
A: Same rule applies as detailed in the previous question
Q: What happens if the items borrowed originally in good condition are damaged by me?
A: Member will have to pay fines to the library depending on the level of damage. The charges applicable are : A) Small damage – AED 5 per book; B) Medium damage – AED 10 per book; C) Major damage resulting in replacement of an item – 50% of the price of the new item. Note: Librarian to decide the level of damage.
Q: What happens if I have unpaid dues to the library?
A: If a member has unpaid dues to the library for more than a period of 45 days, the account will be blocked until the dues are cleared.
Q: How can I renew my membership?
A: You can renew your Pick2Read membership by clicking on "Renew plan" button available on "My Subscription" page and select the suitable membership plan.
Q: Can I renew my membership when I have books/ games & puzzles in hand?
A: Yes. You can renew your membership and return the books/ games & puzzles as per the system specified date.
Q: Will my Membership ID change after the renewal?
A: If the current plan is renewed within 3 months after the expiry of the plan, the same membership ID will continue. If not, your old profile will be deleted and you have to register as a new member.
Q: While renewing my plan, will I be allowed to choose a different membership plan?
A: Yes. You can choose from the available plans as per your choice.
Who is eligible to pre-close the membership plan?
Please refer to the “Terms and Conditions” in our website for detailed information.