Q: Does Pick2Read deal with physical books or e-books?
A: Pick2Read deals with physical books which the members rent, read and return.
Q: Can I borrow a book instead of a games & puzzles or a game/ puzzle instead of a book?
A: No, you can not. You can borrow books or games & puzzles as per your borrowing eligibility only. You can not interchange.
Q: Will I be allowed to borrow books/ toys lesser than what I’m eligible for?
A: Yes. You can.
Q: How do I borrow the books/ games & puzzles?
A: You can borrow books/ games & puzzles of your choice by clicking on "Books Rental/ Games & puzzles Rental" and browse through our collection - choose a category/ sub-category, select the books/ games & puzzles and click on the "Order now" button to add them to the cart. You can add as many books or games & puzzles as per your eligibility and confirm your order.
Q: How will I receive the items ordered?
A: If you have chosen the Delivery option: Books/ games & puzzles ordered will be physically delivered to you on the delivery date shown in the system.
If you have chosen the Click & collect option: You have to come to the selected Click & collect location on the date shown in the system to collect the books/ games & puzzles.
Q: When will I receive the items ordered?
A: Books/ games & puzzles ordered will be ready for click & collect/delivered on the system specified date.
Q: How may days can I keep the borrowed books/ games & puzzles?
A: The borrowed book or games & puzzles should be virtually returned on or before the due date (which is 26 days from the date of borrowing) specified in the system.
Q: Can I virtually return the books and specify a date on which the books are to be delivered?
A: Not possible in the system. Kindly intimate us through an email/ call. We will check the feasibility and confirm.
Q: What happens if I am not able to pick up the ordered books/ games & puzzles in the specified time?
A: If you will not be able to pick the books/ games & puzzles on the specified date and if you intimate the library 24 hours in advance, pick up can be rescheduled to the next available pickup date. If we are not given 24 hours notice and the books/ games & puzzles are not picked up on the specified date, we will put them back into circulation.
Q: Is it possible to reserve a book that is not currently available for borrowing?
A: Yes, you can add it to your "Wishlist".
Each member can add one book to their "Wishlist".
Q: What is wishlist?
A: If a member wishes to reserve a book which is "In circulation", he/she can add it to their "Wishlist". This means that they have placed a request for that particular book, and will get the preference when it is returned by the previous member.
Q: How will I know when a book added under “Wishlist”, is available for me to order?
A: You will be notified by an email.