
Perfect Creator (Moral Behind the Banyan Tree)

Author :
Gandhari Devi Dasi
Category :
Sub Category :
Other Stories
Age :
5-12 Years

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Ramu lay down on the cool grass, reveling in the shade of the old banyan tree. He thought, "Surely the Lord has made a big mistake! This huge tree has such tiny fruits." The cool breeze and the soothing shade of the banyan tree lulled Ramu into a deep slumber, when suddenly the branches of the banyan tree began to shake. One bunch of fruits fell on Ramu's head. He awoke and wondered what had hit him. He thought, "If it had been bigger I would have been hurt badly!" He folded his hands in prayer and thanked the Lord, "You are the wisest! You made this great banyan tree for weary travelers like me to rest under but made its fruit tiny so they may not hurt anyone resting in its shade. I shall never doubt your creation again. You are the perfect creator."

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