
Camb Reading Pack : The Flying Football

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Adventure & Mystery
Age :
5-12 Years
Number of pages :

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Cambridge Reading is a major new reading scheme which provides stimulating books and support materials for the teaching of reading throughout the primary years. Key features include: a coherent yet flexible structure for teaching and learning; a variety of high quality, attractive picture books; a balance of different text types and genres, including stories, poems and information books; an integrated phonics programme; comprehensive support materials.The Flying Football is one of a set of six Bridging Books, written by June Crebbin and illustrated by Susan Hellard. These books are aimed primarily at children in Year 2 who are not making the expected progress in reading and need to consolidate their skills before they can become fluent readers. The stories centre around Max and his family. In this story Max keeps losing his football, but somehow always manages to get it back.

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