
Pakistan the gathering storm

Author :
Benazir Bhutto
Category :
Biographies & Memoirs
Sub Category :
Age :
> 18 Years
Number of pages :

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Written in 1983, in this book Benazir Bhutto.speaks, brutally and passionately, of the political wasteland in Pakistan. The perfidy and venality of the Generals she says, is such that corruption 'far surpasses that of Kuomintang China.' She goes on to say that economic policies are made for Pakistan--'in the IMF/IBRD offices in Washington,' while her foreign policy has the informal sanction of the Pentagon. She demolishes, at once, the fake Islamization of the country, and the dangerous alliance between the mullahs and the military. She goes on to say that the increasing alienation of the non-Punjabi provinces and of the urban and rural poor bode ill for the country, already staggering under the hateful repression of the 'usurper' Generals.

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