
Rabindranath Tagore Omnibus

Author :
Rabindranath Tagore
Category :
Indian books
Sub Category :
Indian authors for Children
Age :
12-18 Years
Number of pages :

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Rabindranth Tagore Omnibus I brings six of the author's acclaimed works together. Gitanjali, his Nobel Prize winning work, is a collection of 103 poems selected by Tagore from his several Bengali books of poetry. It was largely the Gitanjali poems that took the western world by storm and led W.B.Yeats to comment ...(the poems) have stirred my blood as nothing for years... . The Post Office, rich in symbolism and allegory and mixing simplicity with sophistication, is hailed as a masterpiece and a world classic. Creative Unity (1922), acclaimed as the finest and wisest of Tagore's collected essays in English, reveals some of his fundamental tenets of art and aesthetics, of life and religion and of the 'religion of the poet.' Tagore was the first modern Bengali short story writer

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