
The Curly Wurly Twins on a Space Adventure

Author :
Ruchi Gupta
Category :
Indian books
Sub Category :
Indian authors for Children
Age :
5-12 Years
Number of pages :

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Lift-Off to a Planet Unknown... What if you came face-to-face with an alien who made some weird and funny sounds like - KERRRPUNK, SKIRSHUMP, TROOM? In this fast-paced adventure story, twins Ria and Ray, along with a friendly alien named Dipsy, will take you on a magical and thrilling journey to outer space. Imagine turning on the tap and water is not the only thing gushing out at full speed. A penguin, complete with a sash and crown on its head magically gets squeezed out of the hose! The unexpected twists and turns along the way to this strange planet will keep you pleasantly surprised.

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