

Author :
Lynda La Plante
Category :
Adult Fiction
Sub Category :
Mystery & Thriller
Age :
> 18 Years
Number of pages :

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Harry Rawlins had been masterminding raids and robberies for almost twenty years. The hijack of a security van in the Strand Underpass would bring the gang thousands - but the job went disastrously and fatally wrong. Harry always said that if anything ever happened to him Dolly would be all right: Joe and Terry would take over, the team would look after everyone. But when Harry got blown to bits, trapped in a blazing van, Joe and Terry went with him. Dolly had three options. She could give up, and hand over Harry's ledgers to the police. She could hand them over to a bunch of thugs. Or she - and the other widows - could take the business over . . . and survive.

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