
When the Night Falls

Author :
Ruskin Bond
Category :
Indian books
Sub Category :
Indian authors for Children
Age :
5-12 Years
Number of pages :

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'I saw something-something horrible-a boy weeping in the forest-and he had no face!' 'No face, Sir?' 'No eyes, nose, mouth-nothing.' 'Do you mean it was like this, Sir?' asked the watchman, and raised the lamp to his own face. The watchman had no eyes, no ears, no features at all-not even an eyebrow! True horror surfaces from darkness only when the night falls! This goose-bumpy collection introduces you to some of the most terrifying ghost stories ever told-old manor house hauntings; a couple on a remote island, condemned to a doom of unimaginable horror; a dying woman's promise that she will be back to take her sisters when their time is up; a solitary walk through the woods in the evening and the terror it unfolds... Each story is sure to send a chill down your spine. So, dive under the covers and get ready to be spooked by the wild elements of the night!

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