
Child Development and Teaching Young Children

Author :
Ayshe Talay-Ongan
Category :
Reference Books
Sub Category :
Age :
> 18 Years
Number of pages :

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Child Development for Teachers of Young Children is a useful resource for pre-service early childhood teachers from childcare through to school settings. This text is based on understanding young childrena s developmental characteristics and differences, as well as planning around their interests. Child development covers a vast area of research, much of which has been used to inform teachers, parents and students about ways to nurture children into happy, competent and well-balanced individuals. The authors of this Australian text have married these areas together with essential up-to-date research, and focal information on domains of development. The first section of this text reviews domains of development with points that highlight applications to teaching contexts. The second section tackles domains of learning/curriculum areas where developmentally appropriate, individualised and culturally sensitive practice is integrated into teaching. This text also makes valuable contributions to the art and science of teaching young children in other settings: many children are tutored individually in small groups in learning centres, after school care programs, sports programs and music lessons to count a few.

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