
The Lucifer Network

Author :
Geoffrey Archer
Category :
Adult Fiction
Sub Category :
Mystery & Thriller
Age :
> 18 Years
Number of pages :

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TERROR KNOWS NO FRONTIERS A deadly secret whispered by a dying gunrunner on a lonely road in Zambia sets MI6 agent Sam Packer on a frantic race against time. A terrorist gang has acquired a horror weapon but before packer can discover more the man dies. Packer is on his own, faced with skeptical colleagues and the gunrunner's daughter Julie, who may hold the key to the secret but who also suspects it was Packer who engineered her father's death. As Packer fights desperately to win Julie's confidence, the unlikely pair follow the trail of murder and deceit from Scotland to Vienna and on to a lonely island in the Adriatic: there they will find not only the weapon but the identity of the sinister organization known as the Lucifer Network.

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