
Hunter Killer

Author :
Patrick Robinson
Category :
Adult Fiction
Sub Category :
Mystery & Thriller
Age :
> 18 Years
Number of pages :

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Stunned and outraged by the extravagant lifestyles of the Saudi Arabian Royal Family , the Crown Prince and heir to the throne recruits France to help him overthrow the Saudi ruler. With the aid of French hunter killer submarines the Prince plans to inflict heavy damage on the massive oil installations and loading docks on the shores of the Red Sea and the Persian Gulf, thus destroying the Saudi oil industry and bankrupting the monarch. While the French Special Forces engage in a daredevil operation above and below water, the mysterious Major Jacques Gamoudi marshals yet more ex-French Foreign Legion fighters to take the Southern military base on the Yemen border, then the capital city of Riyadh. Quickly, Admiral Arnold Morgan is called from retirement once more to take charge of the counter-operation from the White House. In a desperate battle for the desert kingdom, Gamoudi is joined by Morgan's old nemesis, Hamas' General Ravi Rashood. The French intend to assassinate Major Gamoudi, but with the world's oil markets in chaos, the US has one aim - to take him alive and force a confession for what the French have done.

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