
The FAB Four: Frock Shock

Author :
Ros Asquith
Category :
Teen Fiction
Sub Category :
Age :
12-18 Years
Number of pages :

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Introducing the Fab Four: Frizzy Lizzy (every day's a bad hair day), E-claire (fat and happy), Owl (wouldn't say anything to a goose, let alone boo) and Flash Harriet (pony fanatic) Ros Asquith is renowned for her ability to bring out the humour in adolescent worries and insecurities. The Fab Four have their fair share, and Ros Asquith deals with them in her inimitable and reassuring way in these hilarious and addictive pre-teen series. Frock Shock. Eclaire's happy being fat but her pencil-thin mum's got other ideas. Can Eclaire escape the horrors of the Twigs and Jumbos slimming club? Bad Hair Days. Frizzy Lizzy has tried every potion ever invented to tame her wild hair. Can her brother's chemistry set succeed where the rest have failed? When you're as desperate as Lizzy anything's worth a go...

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