

Author :
Wilco Picture Library
Category :
Indian books
Sub Category :
Historical & Mythological
Age :
5-12 Years
Number of pages :

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Ashoka, perhaps the greatest ruler of the Maurya dynasty, ruled India from 273 B.C. to 232 B.C. His vast empire extended beyond India to Afghanistan and Nepal. Son of King Bindusara, Ashoka had to fight with his brothers to ascend the throne, but he proved to be an efficient ruler and worked for the betterment of his subjects. The quest for expanding the empire resulted in the Kalinga War which became the turning point of his life and the destruction he saw led him to renounce violence. This title narrates the enchanting story of this great ruler who spread the message of Buddhism, engraved on rocks and pillars across his empire and his emblem of four-lions on one of those pillars is India's official seal today. The middle wheel on the national flag is also called the Ashoka Chakra.

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